Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mi querida famila,
Man, what a great week. I am so pumped! This week started out all normal, but then got better almost every day. Wednesday, we had a zone conference together with the other two zones here in Coatzacoalcos. So rad. We all just had a huge council, with like 50+ missionaries, and the zone leaders. We ended up talking alot about covenants. And decided to all make one right there to be better missionaries. We talked alot about how we need to be 100% dedicated in the work, NO distractions or idleness(it just took me like 5 minutes to find that word. in spanish its 'ociosidad' haha) whatsoever. I included a picture here, it says:
COATZA - 200 Contacts weekly, 40 lessons weekly, 15 new investigators weekly, Baptismal Invitations in EVERY lesson, NO EXCUSES.

It was pretty rad, we all felt so great. I know the Lord will bless us, just as He blesses all those who are willing to make covenants with Him. We should never be afraid to make covenants, because they closen us to Him through our obedience. To not accept a covenant with Him, would deter us from being able to do so. It surprised me to see that not all of the Elders signed it... But then I was reading a talk that the Abuelo gave me, and I found this scripture: Alma 13:2
"And thus they have been called to this holy calling on account of their faith, while others would reject the Spirit of God on account of the hardness of their hearts and blindness of their minds, while, if it had not been for this they might have had as great privilege as their brethren."
Alma explains here how all those who receive the Priesthood here on the Earth, were called and chosen to posess it even before this life. There were many who were called  to hold the priesthood in the mortal life, and they accepted the duty. While there were many who REJECTED the privilege of holding such authority. Its true that with more power, comes more responsibility, and this is why they didn't accept the priesthood calling, because they were afraid of the responsibilities. They were afraid of being condemned if they erred.. So sad. Because maybe they have less responsibilities here on the Earth, but it will be impossible to be exalted without the priesthood. We need to make sure we are not like that. We need to be ready and willing to make covenants and promises with our Savior, with God. He always promises us blessing based on our obedience. If we don't accept the terms, we cannot receive the blessings.
And this goes with everything in the church. If it be a calling to be an apostle, a bishop, a counselor in relief society, secretary in deacons quorum, music director, home/visiting teacher. If it be going to the temple, if it be getting baptized, going on a mission, or even committing yourself to pray every day, read the Book of Mormon, go to church EVERY week(without fault). I testify that God blesses us in accordance with our obedience. All these things I have stated are commandments when given by Him. We must be obedient to the commandments to fully receive His blessings. Everyone should be willing and ready when the Lord calls, and fulfill the promises we have made to Him. There is no other way to gain eternal life. We must play by His rules.
I love you all so much, hope the closet dries out good. I leave these thoughts with you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Love, Elder Knight

P.s. the Hermana Lucresia says hi =)

1 comment:

  1. Elder Knight,
    Es maravilloso saber el gran servicio que estas haciendo por nuestro Padre Celestial y ver tu crecimiento espiritual.
    Me alegra saber tambien que ahora voy a poder hablar contigo en mi lengua nativa el español.
    Te dire que estoy tan agradecida de la tecnologia porque ahora nos podemos comunicar mas rapidamente con los elderes que estan en diferentes paises. Y a tu mama que ha hecho este blog para saber de ti.
    Te dire que Nicholas ahora esta en su mision y esta en St. George Utah, y ahora esta en un barrio en ingles y español asi que tambien esta tratando de aprender, jaja ahora se da cuenta de lo que yo le decia cuando trataba de enseñarle el español.
    Kathy por otro lado, preparandose para su boda con Justin, el se bautizo en Agosto del año pasado y se casaran el Agosto 24 para que puedan entrar al templo.
    Mi hijo Renzo entro a BYU Provo asi que ahora solo tengo 4 hijos en la casa, Anthony says hi to you.
    Trevor we are praying for you and your companion, we understand that sometimes is not easy but it will be worth it. Heavenly Father has something special for you.
    We love you and thanks for your service to Heavenly Father.
    The Linville Family
