Monday, April 25, 2011

Trevor's first letter from Mexico!

¡Hola, mi familia, de México! " :) ¡Buenas Tardes, Mamá y Papá! "
Mexico is SWEET. I love it here. The second we got off the plane, at 9pm, I was instantly sweating because it was sooo hot. I love it.
So I'm not in Villahermosa, Tabasco right now. I'm actually in Minatitlan, Veracruz for the next 3 months. I guess its in our area, I didn't even know! My companion is from Draper, UT, and he's a great trainer! His name is Elder Plummer, he has been in the mission for about 8 months now and he's already training. President Castañeda wants us all to work really hard these first two transfers with our trainers, so that we can be ready to train too. I don't know if there is a big group of missionaries coming in July, but I'm going to be doing my best these next 3 months, that's for sure.
Mexico is sweet. It's alot how I imagined it to be, awesome. It is so crazy how people live here, everything is so simple. I love it. Just about nobody here has a watch, it just goes to show how relaxed they all are. And the people here are AMAZING! My first night Elder Plummer and I rode a 4 hour bus from Villahermosa to Minatitlan and we had these recent converts Hmno David and Hmna Olivia callling us every hour to see where we are so they could pick us up. They love the missionaries so much, they stayed up until 1 o'clock just to pick us up from the station. Seriously, the people are so incredibly nice here. We walk everywhere, nobody really has cars. They just take taxis and buses everywhere (and they drive so crazy here! But I still haven't seen one accident it is incredible) Hmno David is a taxi driver that's how he picked us up. Everyone offers us agua here, but its actually not just water, its always water mixed with this flower petal or some fruit juice. It tastes really good. But you never know what 'agua' is actually going to be haha. Anyways, I still don't have much time, and I haven't been taking my camera anywhere, but I tried to get some pictures for you this morning. I hope you are all doing great! Thank you SO much for everything you've done for me growing up. For all the traits you have helped me to acquire. I know that I am here for a reason. I know that we have a Heavenly Father and he loves us all so very much, and wants us all to return back to Him. We can do this through repentance, and baptism into His church. Christ lives and leads this church today through His prophets. The Book of Mormon is true, and was written for US, in THESE days. I know my Savior lives. I know. I know. I know. I can feel His spirit with me every second of the day while I am doing His work. I love you all, and I can't wait for the miracles I will see these next two years. ¡Hasta luego!
Oh, and I had a Bon-Ice the other day. It was amazing. =) It only cost me 3 pesos. (Like 30 cents)

Friday, April 15, 2011

My Family and friends...

My Family,

 How is everyone? Thank you for all of your letters and packages here in the MTC! I can't tell you how much they all mean to me, and how happy I am when I hear about how everyone is doing. The Lord truly is blessing me for my decisions to serve a mission, and more importantly to serve a righteous mission.

I was thinking alot this morning while in the temple. And I wish I could just force missionaries to have a strong testimony. I was talking with some returned missionaries in one of the media rooms this week while Elder Clark and I were helping with the new missionary meetings Wednesday night. And one thing that really stood out to me while I was talking with these returned missionaries is the importance of having your own real testimony of this gospel. Without it, you're just teaching a lesson to people and all they're doing is listening. And this isn't entirely bad, but there should be more than that. You need to bring the spirit into every lesson, into every home you enter. You need to help the investigators you meet to feel this spirit. They need to feel this spirit so that it can testify to them of the truthfulness of your message.

And I can tell you that as long as you give yourself entirely to Christ, who knows you personally, He will guide you through every step of your every day. We must put all of our trust in Christ. All of it, every fiber of your soul needs to be devoted to His work. I know I am doing the Lord's work here on my mission. I know this because I can feel His spirit every day. As I read the scriptures I can feel His love and I obtain a stronger testimony of the Word of God as I turn every page. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God. And he translated the Book of Mormon, for us God's children, through the power of the Holy Ghost. I know that through reading the Book of Mormon we all can gain a testimony for ourselves of the love God has for us, His children. And we can obtain a testimony of the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

I know this is true, I know it because I have been on the receiving end of too many blessing I have not deserved in this life. I know that everything good is a blessing from God. And even the bad as well, because it is Him giving us the opportunity to practice our faith in Him, and strengthen our testimonies through our trials. I would be nothing without my Savior, I am eternally grateful for His sacrifice of love that he gave for me. And Jesus Christ offers this to every person on the earth today. We all have the opportunity to utilize the power and forgiveness that comes only through His Atonement. He suffered ALL of the pains and inflictions of EVERY person on this earth. Do not let His suffering be for nothing. The price for your sins has already been paid, and you are a stubborn fool if you do not accept Christ's payment for them.
 I am so grateful for the opportunity I have had to be here at the MTC. Sure, it has been a long two months waiting to go to Mexico, but I have enjoyed EVERY moment of it. I know that our Heavenly Father has a plan for all of us. He has prepared a way before this life began for all of us to return to live with Him again. I know that through the gospel of Jesus Christ we all can come to know our Savior so much better and become better people through the powere of the Atonement. There is so much truth in the church, so much help and support. The Church of Jesus Christ is true. It is the only true church on this earth. I know this. I know our Heavenly Father is not a God of confusion or lies. He has given us one church here on the earth with all of His truth to help His children return to live with Him after this life.
  Last week we hosted new missionaries. It was incredible. Elder Clark and I hosted one American elder, and then we were asked to help international missionaries who came in yesterday. It was so much fun. We both split up and hosted one elder each. The elder i hosted was Elder Yang from Korea! I loved him, he was so excited to be here. And every time I see him around the MTC he, no joke, nearly tackles me over to give me a great big hug. I love it so much, one of the best hugs I get here in the MTC is from him. I am so glad to be there to give him a hug back too. It may seem small to some elders here, but to some elders it might mean to world to them. Small acts can go a long way. I know it. Our Heavenly Father loves to work and bless us in numerous and endless small little things. 

"Through small and simple things are GREAT things brought to pass.."

Well times up, I love you all! EVERYONE! We are all children of God, you are all my brothers and sisters! Trust in the Lord with everything! I love you I love you I love you!!!

Elder Trevor Knight

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Trevor due to fly out on Monday April 18th

Trevor called mom last night and verified that his VISA and papers are in order and that he will be departing from the MTC on Monday April 18th.  He'll fly to Villahermosa, Mexico via a layover in Texas.  All is going as planned so far :-)

Friday, April 8, 2011

April 8th- just 10 days until Mexico!

My beloved family!
I cannot tell you how great this week has been. I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but it has been yet another great week at the MTC! No matter what happens, and no matter what difficulties may arise. I know that through all of my hardships, the Lord will help me and I will become only stronger. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for me these next 22 months, as well as for the rest of my life!
General Conference was great! We didn't get to actually go to the Conference Center, but we watched it here at the MTC all together. Wasn't it just amazing?! I KNOW I have never gotten so much out of general conference before. The Spirit was so strong in the room we were watching it in. I was constantly receiving answers to all of my questions. With every talk, my testimony grew so much more. I know that we have a true prophet called of God on the earth today, who is Thomas S. Monson. I know that his presidency and the Quorum of the 12 are all men called of God to preach repentance to all the earth, to help all people everywhere to come closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that every word spoken was inspired by God. I already cannot wait until next general conference! I cannot wait to hear all of what God has for us to learn through our prophet and his apostles.
Oh! And I have great news! I will be going to Boise, ID this Tuesday to sign my visa at the consolate over there. Don't ask me why, but that's just what the travel office is having us do. And we're going to be spending an entire day there, so maybe I'll get to go on splits with a missionary there or something! That would be so cool! I am so excited, mostly because now I know that I will be departing for Mexico on time! Hermano Loaiza tells us more and more every day about Mexico, I am so excited be preaching the gospel to those great people in just a week and a half!
Besides General Conference this week, I have learned so much just here in the MTC. I made a goal my first day to read the Book of Mormon before I leave for Mexico, and if I have time to read el Libro de Mormon tambien. Pero, esta tomando mucho tiempo con todas las estudias en aqui. Ya estoy en el libro de Alma, pero no tengo mucho tiempo cada dia. Ser'a muy dificil, pero puedo hacer. (P.s. Sorry there are no accents) !No puedo esparar!
Anyways, as you probably heard from last weeks letter, that week was especially a bit difficult, but as I said earlier, it was just another opportunity for me to receive strength from the Lord to help me. He will not always just take the pains away, or whatever is causing them. But I know He will give us the power to bear them, he will bless us with the patience to endure our inflictions. And through hard times, you only get stronger. I feel so strong after having been here in the MTC for soo long. I cannot wait to get out to Mexico, but I also will miss the great spirit that resides on this campus. I encourage all worthy young men to step up and prepare themselves for their missions. It is the Lord's work. I know it is,  I wouldn't be able to do it without Him. If you are questioning going or not, I can tell you one thing that I know, is who it is that is putting that question in your mind. Who is it that is giving you doubts as to the blessings that will come from your selfless service. I know that our Heavenly Father wants all to serve, and if you have the opportunity as a young man to take it, you are a fool if you miss it.
I know that this church is true. I know it with every spark in my body. I know that after we are baptized and receive the marvelous gift of the Holy Ghost, we have the Spirit of the Lord with us at all times.  I know that with God, ALL things are possible. With faith in your Savior Jesus Christ, you can be forgiven of all your sins, you can become clean and perfect once again. The gospel of Jesus Christ is on this earth today. The Book of Mormon is truly another testament of Jesus Christ. And to all those who read it, accompanied with prayer, can know for themselves the truthfulness of its message. I cannot tell you how many blessing our Heavenly Father have in store for you if you just keep His commandments. Every commandment, whether it be one of the 10 Commandments, or just the simple words of a prophet telling us to listen to clean music. With every word of our prophets, those called by God to preach joy unto this dispensation, every word, every standard given to us is an opportunity to receive that blessing. I wish I had learned this sooner. There are so many blessings we miss out on for so many silly reasons.
Go to church, be worthy to partake of the sacrament. Study the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ and all he has done for us. Pray to our Heavenly Father often, always keep a prayer in your heart. Be worthy of the companionship of that great Spirit of the Holy Ghost, He will help you with so many things that you cannot even comprehend. And when you follow its promptings, you will only be more worthy of more promptings and a stronger spirit within you. I love you all so much. I miss you to death, but there is really no place I would rather be. I know that I am serving my Lord. This is His work. This gospel is such a beautiful one, share it. Those who are not lucky enough to have a knowledge of the truthfulness of the gospel are so in need. Give them what will bring them TRUE happiness. Share it freely, and you will be so blessed. I love you. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I know He lives and died for our salvation. I know this church is true, it is so true. And I share you this testimony in the Holy name of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.
P.s. "The greatest battles of life are fought out daily in the silent chambers of the soul.) -David O. McKay =] I love you so much!
Elder Trevor Knight

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1, 2011

Mi familia!
       Yes, another great week at the MTC =] I have never felt the Spirit more constant in my life than I have here. I am in love with it. I hope I can take this great Spirit with me as I leave for the field, too (hopefully in two weeks from Monday!). This week has been crazy, yet powerfully inspiring all at the same time. Isn't it amazing how our Heavenly Father can do that? He helps us feel inspired and uplifted even in the toughest and most difficult times.
       First things first. Obedience. Obedience truly is the first law of Heaven. I cannot stress it enough. I know I might not have been the best person to be taking this advice from. But I know it is true. Blessings come solely through obedience to our Heavenly Father's commandments. I know that every commandment we have, from the prophets of old to all of the latter-day prophets, is an opportunity to receive a blessing. Unfortunately this week, I have had the pleasure of learning so much more regarding the principles of obedience. We are given a lot of rules and standards as missionaries, I won't deny it. But every single one is there to protect us as, and is for OUR benefit. Like I said earlier, every commandment, every standard is an opportunity to receive a blessing. And how lucky are we as missionaries to have so many opportunities to receive SO many blessings?! Last week, two of the elders in our district shaved their heads (which is against the missionary standards to have a shaved head) and it sure did cause a whole lot of controversy in our entire zone. Which leads me to say that also, disobedience to His commandments can be quite bothersome. To yourself, and also to all those around you. After the stunt, I had the privilege of interviewing all of the elders in our district and speaking with each one about their thoughts on the incident. The two elders were kind of pressured into it by other elders. I threw in my 2cents and noted that it wasn't a good idea, and against the missionary standards. But I didn't want to be the annoying do-goody elder and force them not to. So I told gave them my opinion, and let them choose for themselves.
Anyways, I won't get too into details about it. I feel like I'm just rambling on. But please know that obedience is key. I really cannot stress it enough. It is SO easy when we literally have all of the do's and do not's. or more like should's and should not's. Be obedient. I'm trying hard to be a good leader. Elder Clark gave me some good advice this week. He said, "As long as everyone knows that you love them and only want the best for them, they will do anything you ask them to." I love that. I love my district.
       On the other hand, we taught in the TRC this week. It was yet another amazing experience, as always! Every week gets better and better. This week, was only in Spanish. It was great! We taught a man named Napoleon the first lesson. He wanted to know so much, we focused on how the gospel of Jesus Christ blesses families. And how prayer, especially family prayer, will bless you SO much.
      Not much time today, but I'd like to share some thoughts I wrote in my planner this week.
      We, as missionaries, are literal soldiers in war, fighting for Zion. We must follow the example of Christ, as He is our captain. We must fight against the adversary to bring souls unto our Savior for their own good. We must yield our hearts unto God this very day and we will become greater soldiers.(Helaman 3:35 in the BOM), sanctify ourselves to receive the blessing He has in store for us. Set our Ebenezers down, to follow the Lord in all things from this very day. Never turn back. Have courage to the end.
       I love you all so much. Thank you for your kind and loving letters. I love you all so much. I'll have to write you this afternoon because I am out of time. Read you Books of Mormon! Pray as a family! Love EVERYONE! I love you all so much!!!!
Elder Knight