Mi familia,
Primero, perdónme porque esta carta es en español. Pero, lo creen o no, es más facíl para mi ahorita. Sé que no es perfecto, pero ya es más facíl a escribir mis pensamientos en español. :D ¿Algiuen puede traducirlo para ustedes? No sé. Suerte con este...
(First, pardon me because this letter is in Spanish. But, believe it or not, it's easier for me now. I know it's not perfect, but it's easier to write my thoughts in Spanish. :) Perhaps someone can translate it for you? I do not know. Good luck with this ...) Dad is translating this so it may not be perfect...
(First, pardon me because this letter is in Spanish. But, believe it or not, it's easier for me now. I know it's not perfect, but it's easier to write my thoughts in Spanish. :) Perhaps someone can translate it for you? I do not know. Good luck with this ...) Dad is translating this so it may not be perfect...
No puedo compartir todos de mis sentimientos en sola una carta esta semana. ¡Recibí sus cartas y un paquete en Martes! El paquete fue enviado hace 2 semanas, y las cartas hace casí 7 semanas! Claro, los paquetes son más rapido. Pero no se preocupen de este, está bien así.
Gracias, muchas gracias para sus palabras consuelas. Me ayudaron muchísimas a trabajar más duro, sin duda.
(I can not share all of my feelings in a letter this week alone.I received your letters and a package on Tuesday! The package was submitted 2 weeks, and the letters almost 7 weeks! Sure, the packets are faster. But do not worry this is fine.
Thank you, thank you very much for your consoling words. They helped me a lot to work harder, no doubt.)
(I can not share all of my feelings in a letter this week alone.I received your letters and a package on Tuesday! The package was submitted 2 weeks, and the letters almost 7 weeks! Sure, the packets are faster. But do not worry this is fine.
Thank you, thank you very much for your consoling words. They helped me a lot to work harder, no doubt.)
Esta semana, sin duda, fue el mejor que todas antes. Elder Plummer y yo hubíamos trabajando bien duro para que podemos fortalecer nuestro compañerismo, nuestros testimonios, y más importante nuestros investigadores. Enseñando puede ser más difícil que esperamos a veces, especialmente porque cada hijo de Dios es tán diferente en tantas maneras. Pero cada día, estoy mejorando. Cada día, me estoy fortaleciendo. No voy a mentir, es duro a trabajar de 6:30 hasta 22:30 cada día y todavía ser felíz. No hay un momento aburrido, no hay un momento para descansar. Esta obra, yo sé, es la obra de Dios. Yo sé que nuestro Señor Jesucristo es conmigo. Yo sé que el Espíritu Santo testifica a todos de la verdad. Y que nunca debemos dudar en Cristo.
Él ha sufrido TODO para nosotros. Murió, no solo para nuestros pecados, pero también para nuestros dolores, inflicciónes, y tentaciones también. Yo sé que vive mi Señor, y gran consuelo me trae.
(This week, undoubtedly was the best all before or so far. Elder Plummer and I worked very hard we desired so we can strengthen our partnership, our testimonies, and more importantly our researchers. Teaching may be more difficult to wait sometimes, especially because every child of God is so different in so many ways. But every day I'm improving. Every day, I'm stronger. I will not lie, it's hard to work 6:30 am to 10:30 pm every day and still be happy. Not a dull moment, there is no time to rest. This work, I know, is the work of God. I know that Jesus Christ is with me. I know that the Holy Spirit testifies to all the truth. And never hesitate to Christ.
He has suffered everything for us. He died not only for our sins, but also for our pain, infliction, and temptations as well. I know that my Redeemer lives, and brings me great comfort.)
(This week, undoubtedly was the best all before or so far. Elder Plummer and I worked very hard we desired so we can strengthen our partnership, our testimonies, and more importantly our researchers. Teaching may be more difficult to wait sometimes, especially because every child of God is so different in so many ways. But every day I'm improving. Every day, I'm stronger. I will not lie, it's hard to work 6:30 am to 10:30 pm every day and still be happy. Not a dull moment, there is no time to rest. This work, I know, is the work of God. I know that Jesus Christ is with me. I know that the Holy Spirit testifies to all the truth. And never hesitate to Christ.
He has suffered everything for us. He died not only for our sins, but also for our pain, infliction, and temptations as well. I know that my Redeemer lives, and brings me great comfort.)
No bautizamos esta semana pasada, parece como todos de nuestros ivestigadores tienen problemas con todos tipos. Estamos trabajando para encontrar un trabajo nuevo para la Mamá de Alitelio. Ahorita, ella trabaja en un bar, y quiere un trabajo diferente antes que bautizarse. Y estamos trabajando con un hombre se llama Samuel también. Tiene 22 años, y va a 3 o 4 iglesias cada semana. Sabe un bien de la Biblia, pero todavía tiene muchas dudas y preguntas.
Realmente, tiene el más hambre por el Evangelio que he visto hace que vine. Es muy confusado a veces, pero puedo ver cuando él entiende nuestras enseñanzas. El Evangelio de Jesucristo es bien sencillo. Es perfecto, y nos ayuda a entender las cosas grandes de Dios.
(No baptisims this past week, seems like all of our investigators have many different problems. We are working to find a new job for Mom Alitelio. Right now, she works in a bar, and wants a different job before baptism. And we're working with a man called Samuel as well. He is 22 and goes to 3 or 4 churches each week. He studies the Bible, but still has many doubts and questions.
Really, he is more hungry for the Gospel that I have seen in a long time. It is very confusing at times, but I can see when he understands our teachings. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is very simple. It's perfect, and helps us understand the great things of God.)
(No baptisims this past week, seems like all of our investigators have many different problems. We are working to find a new job for Mom Alitelio. Right now, she works in a bar, and wants a different job before baptism. And we're working with a man called Samuel as well. He is 22 and goes to 3 or 4 churches each week. He studies the Bible, but still has many doubts and questions.
Really, he is more hungry for the Gospel that I have seen in a long time. It is very confusing at times, but I can see when he understands our teachings. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is very simple. It's perfect, and helps us understand the great things of God.)
También, tuvimos la oportunidad para ayunar Viernes hasta Sábado. Aquí en Mexico, nunca pensaba que fue a ser tán difícil. Sin comer, está bien. Pero sin tomar, ¡casí murí! Cuando llegamos en casa de nuestra comida en Sábado, casí caímos en el piso. Y tomamos 2 litros de aqua solos jaja. Ayunamos para que nuestros investigadores con fechas bautismales pueden recibir la fuerza que necesitan para seguir y bautizarse en sus metas. Ya sé que ayudará, porque nuestro Padre Celestial contesta las oraciónes de Sus hijos, y va a ayudarnos con cualquier problemas tenemos aquí. Esta semana, ¡espero que todos tuvieron un díe de Papás bien suaves! Gracias para sus oraciónes, puedo sentir de su amor cada momento. ¡Hasta luego!
(Also, we had the opportunity to fast Friday to Saturday. Here in Mexico, I never thought it would being so difficult. Without eating, fine. But regardless, I almost died! When we arrived at home on Saturday I almost fell on the floor. And we consumed 2 liters of water alone... haha. We fasted for our baptismal dates and investigators so that they can receive the strength they need to continue and be baptized and achieve their spiritual goals. I know it will help, because our Heavenly Father answers the prayers of His children, and will help with any problems we have here. This week, I hope you all had a very happy Father's Day! Thanks for your prayers, I can feel your love every time.Bye!)
(Also, we had the opportunity to fast Friday to Saturday. Here in Mexico, I never thought it would being so difficult. Without eating, fine. But regardless, I almost died! When we arrived at home on Saturday I almost fell on the floor. And we consumed 2 liters of water alone... haha. We fasted for our baptismal dates and investigators so that they can receive the strength they need to continue and be baptized and achieve their spiritual goals. I know it will help, because our Heavenly Father answers the prayers of His children, and will help with any problems we have here. This week, I hope you all had a very happy Father's Day! Thanks for your prayers, I can feel your love every time.Bye!)
Les amo, (I love you all)
Elder Knight
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