Querido familia,
This week has been great! Elder Alvarado, my new companion here in Carmen, arrived on tuesday. He is from Michoacan, México and we get along really well. His last companion was Elder Rumsey, who is from my generation and was in the MTC with me. And Elder Lloyd, who also is here in Carmen, is training a new elder from the MTC this transfer. We got to meet him last night in the district building and it was really funny. It gave me memories of my first week! How I could not understand alot, but just went along with everything haha. He kept asking me what things meant or what people were saying. Later I was talking with Elder Lloyd and he said it is difficult for him now to speak english. Its crazy, but now its hard to speak english for me too. We were helping someone with yardwork the other day, and an American man drove by and started talking to me in English. Elder Alvarado was dying, because I seriously could not reply to him in english, it took so much work. Its definitely helping me to have a Mexican companion, because now I practically think in Spanish. ..still waiting for a dream though...
This week has flashed by, I love working with Elder Alvarado, because he wants to work just as much as I do. I'm excited to learn alot from him, and help as many people as we can to receive the gospel here in Carmen. I've been focusing much on Christlike attributes lately in my studies. Mostly on humility and charity. I know that to be an effective missionary, I need to be as Christlike as I can be. And I don't feel anywhere close to the missionary I want to be at times. There are so many errors I make, so many things I miss, and don't understand.
I had an incredible feeling of peace while in sacrament meeting yesterday, I cannot describe how I felt, but I felt so much love and peace during the passing of the sacrament. I felt a stronger desire to be better. I sat up, took out my agenda and wrote down what came into my head. It has alot to do with what I studied the night before, but it is something that I found to be so important. Something that we all need in our lives, to every child of God:
"Obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ: is it that hard? I've been thinking about this alot lately.. What level of obedience is necessary to enter into the highest kingdom, exaltation, within the Celestial Kingdom? If eternal life is so special (exaltation even more special), I am sadly convinced that not everyone in this world of iniquity will be able to obtain it. It is not a happy thought, but it appears to be true. That if we do not live according to the commandments of the gospel of Jesus Christ, then we cannot win.. So, what do we need to do to earn our space in the Celestial Kingdom? We need to love one another, keep ALL the commandments, repent of our mistakes and errors, go to church EVERY Sunday we possibly can to partake of the sacrament to renew our baptismal covenants, have daily personal and family prayer, read the scriptures daily, be an example, and share the gospel with others. And more importantly, we need to be baptized in the true church of Jesus Christ (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints), by someone holding the proper authority of God. And if a man holds the priesthood, he needs to magnify himself in every way possible. Which means that if he is of age to serve a mission, it is his priesthood duty to do so. And I know that it is a blessing to serve. I know that every priesthood holder between 19 and 25 years old should prepare themselves to serve a mission if they have not already done so. No matter what may appear to be more important, or more profitable in life, there is NOTHING more important than the work of the Lord.
There are so many blessings awaiting these men, as well as to those who need to hear the word of God through these priesthood holders. And finally, we should go to the temple to make those sacred covenants with our Heavenly Father, as well as be sealed to our spouse in the temple."
I know that all of these things are foundations for a happy life, and that all are centered and begin with faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. There is not a single person in this world who He does not love, and He is ready to receive them in every moment. I know that He lives, that He makes it possible for us to be better every day. That He wants to help us return to our Heavenly Father. Accept Him, follow Him, be faithful in Him. And allow this faith to promote yourself to be more obedient. More trusting in the commandments of God. Trust that they are there for a reason, that they truly will bring us more happiness than those temptations of the adversary. I know that when we are obedient, we are reserving for ourselves the blessings of our Heavenly Father. How beautiful, and simple, it is. Of course, it is beautiful, and simple, because it is perfect. The perfect plan that our Heavenly Father has made for us, so that we can return to Him once again, and live in eternal happiness forever. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior, and yours too.
Sincerely, Elder Knight