Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mi querido familia,
      Pues, another time my email to President got deleted. I really need to learn to copy it before I send it, but...these things come with time I suppose. Because I still can´t remember to do it until its already gone jaja (haha in Spanish).

      Anyways, This week has gone really well, Super fast, but really well. We worked and taught a lot. We taught a total of 47 lessons this week to investigators and inactive members. Unfortunately, we didn't baptize but I'll tell you about that in a moment.

      We had interviews with President Castañeda last week. WOW he is one of the most spiritual men I have ever met in my entire life. I just want to talk with him for hours, but the interviews are only like 15 minutes because he has to interview all of the other missionaries. Long story short, I had the greatest conversation with him, we sang a hymn and it has been stuck in my head forever this week. I think its "Jesus the Very thought of Thee" in English.

      Also Elder Ibarra and I have been teaching a young man named Carlos Vera this week. He just moved in from Candelaria with some members in our ward. I guess he originally came here to Carmen with a group of friends, and they all shared a room that they rented together, and they all worked at different times of the day. Carlos works in a Café from 9am-10pm every day. And I guess he returned to their room one day and all of his friends had left him and taken all of his stuff with them. So he was without a home, but a friend from his work (Julio Cesar - a member of the church) invited him to live with him and his family. He has told us how grateful he is for this family, and how they help him feel so loved. So we received permission from the mission, and we have been visiting him in the mornings at 7:00am this past week to teach him all of the lessons. He is progressing so well, and has already come to the church 4 times. (We had tried to visit him earlier these last few weeks, but his day-off from work always changed. Until we started visiting him in the mornings this past week…) He has made the choice to be baptized, and we will hold his baptismal service this Saturday morning at 10:00am, along with Guillermo…

      Guillermo is an 82 year old man who we found contacting. He always sits in front of his house, doing nothing really, but just sitting there. So anyways we went and spoke with him one day, and sang a hymn to him and his wife, and left a prayer and blessing in their home. Later, we returned to try and teach him, but it didn't seem like he understood us very well. So we returned again to at least concrete everything for him, and he had already read the pamphlet we left him. So we then left him with the Book of Mormon, and the invitation to pray to know it is true. Upon returning, he had done exactly so. As well as invite his daughter and grandchildren to listen to us too. We took him to a Branch Family Home Evening on Friday, and watched the Restoration. In which we then asked for testimonies to follow. Guillermo himself stood up and expressed his understanding of the First Vision, and how the Spirit had confirmed to him the truthfulness of all these things. ALL of the branch was so animated and surprised to hear this testimony from him. The video made everything so much clearer for him. I am grateful for television.

      I know that this church is true, that it is really the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I am grateful for the prophet Joseph Smith. I know that he was chosen by God to restore the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ in these days. I am grateful for his example, as a righteous young man with undying faith in the Lord. If we look for the truth, we will find it. If we pray, He will answer us. If we are righteous, He will bless us in every aspect of our lives. We need to follow Him, nobody else. I know that my mission was chosen for me by revelation, that this is exactly where the Lord needs me right now. And I will do all that I can to make Him proud, and bring Him all of the glory. I pray that we all can make ourselves closer to Him, and put our will more in line with His.

      I am so grateful for the family that I have been blessed with. I hope everyone is oh so happy with the direction in which our Heavenly Father has placed us in this life. Congratulations Reagan! I hear so many amazing things about you. You are such an example to me, NEVER give up. Always look to do just what is right and the Lord will accompany you in every second of your every day. Caitlynn, Mom told me she stalked your boyfriend’s blog, and that she approves. I am happy for you and your future man, and wait for the day in which I can meet him. I hope Chelsea and Danny are doing well, I am praying for you all every day. I hope things are going how you plan and in a direction that helps you to see the blessings of the Lord in your lives. Mom and Dad, well you know you are both amazing. I couldn't have asked for better parents. I know God loves me because He has blessed me with the most beautiful family in the history of the world(no bias).. I am SO happy for you Haley, to be putting yourself in this path. I promise you that no matter what it takes, you will never regret the efforts you have made to be where I am today. Never.

      It is a pleasure to work in the vineyard of the Lord. And it is an honor to preach His law and His light to His people. Listen to the word of God, with fervor and faithfulness. Always remember His purity, truth, and love. Everyone, wield to the banner of god. If we guard the faith in our great God, we will all see each other soon while dwelling with Him in everlasting love.
      In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.  Yours truly, Elder Knight

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